Friday, November 28, 2008

Better than Starbucks

Yes, Starbucks has free Wi-Fi, but does Starbucks have free books? Free Movies? Free research help? Well, the Dayton Metro Library offers all of those at every location. That's right, every DML branch offers free Wi-Fi. To enjoy the service, your wireless card settings should be:

SSID = Library
WEP= disable WEP encryption
Mode or Network Type = intrastructure mode or access point, not adhoc

On a Windows machine, right click on "wireless network connection," view "available wireless networks," choose "library," and click connect. Mac users select "Apple menu," "system preferences," "network" button. Then select the TCP/IP tab and "configure using DHCP." You may also need to select "configure via Airport" or "other wireless ethernet." The current acceptable internet use policy for library computers applies to wireless use as well. We might not be able to configure the great variety of machines out there, but we'll do our best to help get you set up.

1 comment:

BJKuhns said...

I'm glad to see this article.

Who links to my website?