Next time you are working on an assignment or looking for a recipe or searching for election results, try these sites...just make sure your sound is turned up (if you are alone) or your headphones are plugged in.
She's named for the father of the library classification system, and she has access to the whole of the Internet. Ms. Dewey is a sassy animated search assistant who will help you (or possibly abuse you) while MSN's Live Search works on your question. When you load the site, a random Flashplayer movie is played. When you ask a question or enter a search term, another movie plays; sometimes it's even tied to what you've asked. If you leave her alone for too long, she gets cranky. She's played by American-born Indian/Dutch actress Janina Gavankar who you might recognize from "The L-word" or the "Barbershop" movies. Some of her antics will make you laugh hard so be careful where you access her.
Would you like to search for political topics while being entertained? Try Left Vs. Right. This is another site that uses MSN's Live Search to search the Internet. "Patrick" on the Left and "Britt" on the Right banter about things political and not in a short movie when you surf on. When you type in search, they'll banter again. As an extra added bonus, you can turn on the "Left Search" or the "Right Search" to get search results that agree with you politically. All of their movies are a stitch.

Your web site is terrific!
Here is the url to a blog from the Archives of the Sandusky Library,
if you would like to take a look:
Thanks for telling us about Ms. Dewey! I think she's going to be helping me with all kinds of behind-the-scenes searches & searches from home! Computers are fun, again!
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