We recently opened a brand new computer lab at the Main Library. This facility boasts state of the art laptop computers with wireless internet connections. We're offering a variety of classes in the lab in the new year - things like basic computer instruction, internet searching, using Microsoft Office programs, and more. A full list of January classes and other events is here.
Our first January class is "Computer Basics" on Janury 6th at 3:00. PM. This class is great for those who've never used a computer before and are looking to get started. We'll explain the components of a PC system and practice using the mouse. Register at 463-2665.
On January 7th at 10:00 AM, we're conducting our "Introduction to the Internet" class. In this session, we'll go over accessing, navigating, and using the net. Register at 463-2665.
We're offering "Introduction to E-mail" on January 10th at 10:00 AM. In this class, we'll teach you how to open a free e-mail account and how to use it. Register at 463-2665.