Friday, December 26, 2008

Healthy and Wealthy

Don't stop at a Google search when your well being is on the line, whether physical or financial. Dayton Metro Library offers several online resources with current, quality, credible content that you won't find for free on the internet. Click here for our health and wellness resources. These digital collections are drawn from such standard reference works as The PDR Family Guide to Prescription Drugs and Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary. They also draw from white papers, special health reports, magazines, and scholarly journals. Again, this information is not available free on the internet. Someone has to pay for it, and lucky for you, this one's on us!

Here you'll find our online investing resources - Standard & Poor's Net Advantage and the Morningstar Investment Research Center. These two include full-length analyst reports on both individual stocks and mutual funds as well as tools like stock screeners and the "Portfolio X-Ray."

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